Sponsor Page
Sponsor the Ladybug Music Festival 2024
Did you hear the news? The Ladybug Music Festival—the nation’s largest, free, all-women fronted music festival—is going micro (but mighty!) this year with its first-ever Micro Music Festival, right here in historic Middletown, Delaware, on September 21 from 3pm to 8pm.
Brought to you in partnership with Gable Music Ventures and Middletown Main Street Inc., this first-of-its-kind Ladybug Music Micro Festival promises to draw crowds from all demographics—families, teenagers, young adults, music lovers and so much more, from Delaware and beyond—therefore offering any sponsor that partners with us the kind of exposure that could go a long way for a new, small business, or that would really further brand recognition for a more established entrepreneur.
The Ladybug Micro Music Festival specifically seeks to put small towns and small businesses in the spotlight, and that’s where you come in--we seek sponsorship partners to join us as we celebrate women in music, amplify their voices, and throw a heck of a street party in the process.
If you’d like to sign on as a sponsor, please contact Middletown Main Street Executive Director Kate Rokosz at Kate@downtownmiddletownde.com All sponsorship agreements must be signed no later than August 26th.

Sponsorship Levels
Record Sponsor
Sponsorship listing on DowntownMiddletownDe.com
Record Sponsor
Your logo on an 11x17 event poster. (You will receive a poster, too).
Your logo on an A-Frame sign to be displayed by the stage at the Ladybug Micro Music Festival
Sponsorship listing on DowntownMiddletownDe.com
Record Sponsor
All benefits of the Silver Record sponsorship plus…
Your logo on the official festival t-shirt
Your sponsorship listing on the national Ladybug Micro Music Festival website.
Record Sponsor
All benefits of the Gold Record sponsorship plus…
Social media tags on Middletown Main Street, Inc, Facebook and Instagram
Your business mentioned as a Platinum Record Sponsor on stage throughout the event.